Three Days Grace is among the most popular rock bands of all time. If you have not listened to them yet, you have been missing out on a lot of awesome rock songs.
Three Days Grace earlier had Adam Gontier as their lead singer who left the band and was replaced by Matt Walst who was earlier the lead singer for My Darkest Days another band that I am fond of.
Song Review and Meaning
Personally, Break is one of my favorite songs and it is one of those songs I believe a lot of people can relate to. The song reminds me of how the society can drive a person mad. The burden from daily job, family members, society etc is something everyone deals with on a day to day basis.
I used to listen to this song several times before sleeping at night when I was in college because I was p*ssed off about a lot of things going on in my life at the time. I used to feel like everyone in life was doing fine and only I had certain problems to deal with. Personally, I used to really like listening to Three Days Grace because of how much I could relate with the songs and eventually feel better about my situation realizing that I could overcome it just like everyone else does.
Adam Gontier talked about how everyone in the band had been through tough times in the past and how this song was an expression of their struggle.
All of us have dealt with diseases in our family and people getting cancer and people passing away. A couple of us are going through that right now. We know everybody has problems and battles in life, but it seems like ever since we signed a record deal and hit the road, we’ve been dealing with those things.
Adam Gontier
You get in the studio, and it’s a chance to write and get out a lot of feelings and emotions. And we had a lot to work with this time. We were all feeling pretty emotional and going through our own things. All that stuff – the personal issues and the family issues – it all comes out on this record.
Adam Gontier
I felt like I wanted it to be a bit more hopeful. The songs still came from a pretty dark place of confronting things. But I think there’s definitely hope on this record. For us, it just comes down to playing the hand that you’ve been dealt. That’s kind of what Life Starts Now is all about, really – dealing with reality.
Adam Gontier