Tyler Durden and the reality of the world

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Its crazy how you can go from wishing for everything to the point where in life hits you and you are struggling to get the basic things you want. Struggling for survival, struggling to get married, struggling to make ends meet and at the end realizing that life is just passing by.

Duke Reed

Tyler Durden needs no introduction but still if you don’t know him, he was rated the greatest movie character of all time in 2008 by Empire Magazine.

Tyler Durden left a mark on nearly everyone who witnessed him in Fight Club. He just might be the most influential character despite his polarizing personality.

While it is hard to agree with everything he says, a lot of it does reflect the reality of the world.

Right from when we grow up we are shaped by society and molded by their rules and perceptions. In a way, it causes us to loose our individuality and follow the crowd instead of focusing on the path that we are meant to follow.

Tyler Durden is goes deeper than what most people think. He knows people are not meant to be perfect, because evolving is the process of life and being perfect means there is no scope for evolution.

What he intends to say is that don’t chase perfection to the point that it drives you crazy but focus on evolution and growing yourself.

There is one thing that he pointed out that is true to this day especially in today’s age. What he aims to say is that people are controlled by the society in ways that they are not even aware of.

The narrative is that the society has created puppets out of people who work jobs they hate just to gain meaningless recognition. They are lying to themselves thinking that they are happy by purchasing things which they don’t actually need.

Everyone is hell bent on proving themselves to their peers and the general public where in most of the people we are trying to impress don’t pay much attention to us anyway and have their own problems to deal with.

He is a person who believes in living simple and living on his own terms and his own ideals and principles. There is no point in trying to complicate things and if everyone just understood that they’d be a lot happier in life.

People have been programmed from the very start. Its literally buried deep in the psyche and they fail to recognize what truly matters in life.

The true war is the spiritual war. The true depression is our lives. Humans are meant to evolve spiritually yet how many people actually do anything to uplift themselves in that direction.

People tend to confuse their worth with the things that belong to them. At the end of it all, you have to understand that you don’t really own anything. Life goes by and so do your possessions.

Yes, it is important to have possessions, a nice car, a nice house and a good financial condition because it helps you in living a good life. But it is important to know when you are controlling these things and when these things are actually controlling you.

The depression of mankind has been the wage slavery that he feels trapped in. All of a sudden people wake up to the fact that they are not going to amount to much in their life.

People have dreams of becoming millionaires and doing great things in life, but most of them wake up to the fact that their time is almost up and there is not much to do anything about it.

Its crazy how you can go from wishing for everything to the point where in life hits you and you are struggling to get the basic things you want. Struggling for survival, struggling to get married, struggling to make ends meet and at the end realizing that life is just passing by.

Tyler Durden is a guy who has rules which is something he specifies himself. Its not that he is just a wild personality who has no code. He lives by his principles and ethics.

He believes in letting go but knows the importance of boundaries. That is what is important in life. It is important to let go but essential to understand that certain lines are not meant to be crossed.

Anyway, that was all. Let me know your opinion in the comments below.

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