Aaron Gordon is an NBA basketball player and he is known to be one of if not the best dunkers in NBA. He came close to winning the dunk contest twice one being in 2016 and 2020.
So, the thing is that in 2020, he clearly won the dunk contest in most people’s opinion including mine and still ended up loosing the competition. Dwayne Wade was one of the three judges who gave him a 9/10 in the last round which cost him the trophy.

Aaron for some reason decided to target Dwayne Wade and released a video 9 out of 10 trolling Wade with his wine brand. Later on, Gordon joined Wade in an Instagram video chat and they sorted things out.

Fast forward to 2021, Aaron Gordon took the number 50 as his jersey number and he was asked by D Wade as to why he was wearing it, to which he replied that it was a number that he felt was powerful for him.